A revolutionary tool for detecting contaminants that affect the taste and aromas of the wine

The ever-feared contaminants
The contamination of the wine with a musty smell and/or taste is one of the most serious problems affecting wineries around the world. Organoleptic defects are unpleasant and severely judged, both by expert tasters and by casual consumers that are increasingly more informed and sensitive to the characteristics of wine.

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Analizando esta coyuntura, TN Coopers decidió en 2010 ampliar la mirada y enfocarse en desarrollar una herramienta que permitiera detectar prematuramente contaminaciones, identificando el problema en su origen. La industria vitivinícola requería de una herramienta que tuviera una híper sensibilidad, y la respuesta no estuvo en mejor tecnología… sino que en el reino animal. Luego de 2 años de entrenamiento, presentamos en sociedad a nuestras expertas en detección de contaminantes: Ambrosia y Odysé, dos simpáticas y aplicadas cachorras labrador retriever. Dos años después se sumó Moro, el macho, completándose así la primera camada del proyecto Natinga.

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In the press:


  • The dogs are with their trainer at all times. This is the person in charge of taking them with a leash along the various places where the purpose is to detect potential contamination sources.
  • The dogs do their detection work for periods of approximately 30 minutes, after which they rest before continuing. We work with at least two dogs at the same time so they can alternate between detection and rest in order to make better use of their work time.
  • The space to be analyzed in search of sources should always be free from the intervention of other animals. Although it is fairly common for wineries and warehouses where wine is made to be free from the circulation of other dogs for hygiene reasons, we always remind people that if this is not the case, the performance of the Natinga dogs can be delayed (the animal will instinctively go to the place where another animal has marked territory, generating distractions).
  • Once a contamination source has been identified, the animal will mark the area with a gesture easily recognizable by the trainer.
  • Los perros Labrador retriever son muy amigables y juguetones; esto, sumado al entrenamiento Natinga, los convierte en perros muy dóciles. Están acostumbrados a estar rodeados de gente, sin representar peligro alguno para funcionarios y trabajadores. Dicho lo anterior, como cualquier otro animal domesticado, el perro puede llegar a responder si es provocado hostil e irresponsablemente por un tercero.
  • The Natinga training is based on conditioned responses, with behaviors that are constantly rewarded with food. The Labrador is a dog that functions very well for these purposes, as it is a “greedy” animal by nature. For this reason, it is recommended that no food is left unattended and that the dog is not fed while it is working.